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Time to Break Up With Your Building Materials Manufacturer?

In business, sometimes a relationship just goes south.

In some cases, the reasons are obvious – the functionality of the partnership just isn't what it was or is non-existent. Other times, not so much. 

Regardless of the "why," when a once-functional relationship between your business and any of its partners becomes strained or breaks down completely, it's time to walk away.

This is especially true when it comes to the building materials manufacturer you're working with. Though there are many moving parts to any construction project, impediments of any nature from your materials supplier can derail a timeline or, worse yet, drive up costs.

So when does it come time to tap out and explore other options?

Let's explore some of the most obvious reasons that should make it clear as day that it's time to move on. 

7 Surefire Signs You Need a New Building Materials Manufacturer

Completing a construction project efficiently only happens when all those involved are on the same page and working cohesively.

A partnership with a building materials supplier should streamline your operations. The arrangement should be one you couldn’t imagine working without

When a building materials manufacturer is no longer living up to your expectations or is becoming a hindrance to the successful completion of your project(s), there's no question – it's time to find a new partner.

Among the most common signs your building materials manufacturer isn't cutting it:

  1. Failure to meet deadlines
  2. Limited options
  3. Non-responsiveness 
  4. Inaccurate estimates & quotes
  5. Poor location
  6. Dated fabrication methods & equipment 
  7. Lack of service


1. Failure to Meet Deadlines

This one is pretty simple and it's the most obvious reason to drop your building materials supplier.

Construction projects aren't endless. Rather, they all have a point of completion. And in between the start and end of construction, there are plenty of milestones.

A project that moves along with few disruptions is one where crews have everything they need when they need it. A building materials supplier that fails to meet deadlines could bring a construction project to its knees, impacting your ability to complete it on time.

Certainly, the unexpected comes up. An experienced builder knows this and plans each project accordingly. But when your building material supplier's inability to meet deadlines becomes a trend, it's not only your project that's affected – your reputation also takes a hit.

2. Limited Options

While there are some similarities among projects, the fact is all projects are unique. Your building materials manufacturer should have the equipment and skills to meet your project's demands.

Sometimes a project requires customized building components. Take wall panels, for instance. Building an energy-efficient structure might be important to one of your clients, thus wall panels with extra room for insulation might be right up their alley. The same applies to wooden roof trusses. Depending on your project's demands, standard types of truss design won't work.

All of that is to say – your building material manufacturer's abilities shouldn't be the reason you turn down a job.

3. Non-Responsiveness

Put yourself in your client's shoes for a minute.

Regardless of the size or scope of their project, they're paying you good money to get the job done. In addition to completing the work, they're expecting you to keep them abreast of its progress and any issues that might come up. Ghosting them is out of the question.

The same extends to your building components manufacturer with you. Essentially, you're paying them to complete a job for you.

There's almost no reason you should ever struggle to get a hold of someone you've partnered with to get it done. Even if it's just a quick check-in for an update, getting a hold of your truss manufacturer shouldn’t feel like reaching out into a void.

Remember: communication is a two-way street, and initiating contact shouldn't strictly be on you. 

4. Inaccurate Estimates & Quotes

Perhaps more important than a project's timeline is its budget. A project's finances control exactly what happens and when.

While there's an understanding that occasionally some things come up that impact price – for instance, a material price spike – the price you quote and the final price a client pays should be near identical. To that end, the bill you get from your building material supplier for wall panel, floor, or roof truss prices shouldn't be that far off from the original quote.

There's nothing more frustrating than having to go to a client and explain why their project's budget needs an increase.

5. Poor Location

As the adage goes for real estate, "It's all about location, location, location!"

When it comes to your third-party suppliers, there's some truth to that statement.

For the sake of an example consider two pizzerias. One is located a few blocks away from your home while the other is two towns over. While both pizzerias are able to produce nearly identical pies, when both arrive at your door there's going to be a major difference between the two: the delivery fee. It's simple math, the further your pizza has to travel, the more it costs.

The same applies to building materials.

Every mile your order has to travel costs time – and more importantly – money. In essence, the further away your supplier is, the more transportation costs pile on, impacting your project budget and clients’ wallets.

A Google search of "wood truss manufacturer near me" or "building material manufacturers near me" might go a long way to saving both you and your clients money on your projects.

What Does a Dependable Building Components Supplier Look Like?

Check out our article: “What to Look for in a Truss Manufacturer.”

6. Dated Fabrication Methods & Equipment

It's not to say the old ways don't work. But older manufacturing equipment and fabrication methods aren't always synonymous with efficiency. 

In fact, if your building components manufacturer's shop looks like it hasn't seen an update from the Carter administration, there's a good chance your order is going to take what feels like an eternity to get filled.

Time is a precious commodity in construction. Having your building components manufactured with outdated equipment can mean your project takes much more time than anticipated – thus causing you to miss important deadlines. Furthermore, the quality of the product might suffer as well, due to labor-intensive processes and materials that can become obsolete with the changing times.

In short, just like shipping orders a longer distance, using dated equipment and manufacturing practices costs time and money. Furthermore, should something break down in your manufacturer's shop, you're at the mercy of their ability to source replacement parts or fix the problem – both things that take more time and effort the older a piece of equipment is.

7. Lack of Service

Ever receive a package in the mail only to find its contents broken?

It's frustrating and adds a new headache – getting a replacement.

Though accidents happen from time to time in transport, getting replacement building materials quickly shouldn't be a major issue nor should it be something that drastically alters your schedule.

Moving on to Another Truss Manufacturer

Though moving away from a partnership isn't always the easiest decision or process, sometimes it's necessary.

The company you keep shouldn't hold you back or put your reputation in question.

It's important to be aware of the signs that your building materials manufacturer is no longer meeting your needs. From failure to meet deadlines and limited options, to non-responsiveness and dated fabrication methods & equipment, these are all indicators it's time to re-evaluate your partnership and its future.

Ready to Make a Change?

Contact us today to learn about how to bring new efficiency to your projects.

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